Tuesday, May 7, 2013

In the Studio: Learning to paint

Painting flowers

Working late tonight illustrating these diamond fire tail finches. Diamond Firetails
I have been painting a lot lately. It's been so nice to have a change from drawing like this, with all the detail. I've been using watercolours and gouache, and tiny paintbrushes. I'm fairly new to painting, so a lot of these artworks have ended up in the bin but I guess that's the only way to learn something new.

Sometimes though, artists are blessed with a brief moment of magic, which is what happened to me when I painted these diamond firetail finches. I didn't plan it, no sketches, I just started painting and this is what happened in a few hours. It makes up for all those times when I have sat at my desk struggling to create and trying to force it.

I had a lecturer at uni who is an artist, and I remember her telling us "work when it is working" meaning make the most of those magic moments of inspiration. When it is not working, she told us never to force it. Tidy the studio, sharpen pencils, go for a walk. Clear your work space and your head to be ready for the next time the magic happens.

Great advice. Have a wonderful week!

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